How to Cold Calling Without a “Pitch” – Make your

How to Cold Calling Without a “Pitch” – Make your cold calling about them, not about you!

In the old way of making cold calls, we offer a sales pitch to a perfect stranger, cross our fingers, and hope for the best….isnt that right?

This really doesnt work very well in building a business relationship (or any other relationship, for that matter). This is done best by stepping into the world of the other person and finding a problem we can solve for 온라인카지노 him or her.

Thats how 온라인카지노 we begin a conversation with another person – talking about them rather than talking about ourselves. Its just a very common dynamic that occurs in any human interaction. When youre dating somebody, for instance, if you just talk about yourself, theyre not going to like you very much, right?

Its the same in cold calling. Dont talk about your solution for a while.

Talk instead about their problems for a bit.

Its a movement of dialogue. This dialogue is around talking about their world and not about your product. Thats the shift. All you have to do is identify three or four major problems that your product solves, and use those problems as...

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