The Blackjack Bum

Today, I thought of taking a break from the normal chat about systems and games and tell you a little story about a bum in Las Vegas. I call him the Blackjack bum. And this quick tale just might show you how riches can be won at the table.

If you were to survey one million people in Las Vegas and ask them what’s the best way to win tens of thousands of dollars 축구중계 without risking tens of thousands of dollars, most would say the slot machines. Many believe that the best or only way to turn a few bucks into serious coin is to hit a great jackpot on a slot machine.

This story will show you that there’s another way. The day was a Friday. It was the start of a new month and just like the beginning of every month, our bum went to get his government cash. And as per the usual, once he got it, he went straight to the casino were he could play for a little bit and soak up all the free drinks as fast as the cocktail waitress could come around.

Today, he walks into a premier resort on the Las Vegas Strip and heads for his usual action of choice-the Blackjack table. His mind wasn’t filled with vision of grandeur. He simply wanted to try and win some money...

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